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Warriors in the Winds

 For almost a decade now, we have conducted a US Special Operations veterans charity event in Crowheart, WY known as Rocking the Winds.  This year marks our 9th annual event.  Since 2016 we decided to bring in some of our disabled SOF veterans and combat wounded a week early for some serious bonding and brotherhood.  Our mission is simple:  Bring some comfort and sense of accomplishment to our SOF veterans lives, while concurrently working with the issues of PTSD and veteran suicide which is currently claiming the lives of 22 veterans each and every day.  We chose a climb to the top of Gannett Peak, Wyoming's highest point at 13,804 feet.  While not the highest mountain in the US, it is listed as the 2d most difficult climb in the US (right behind Denali in Alaska) due to its remoteness.  We understood that the tasks of the climb would be difficult and arduous, exactly what our veterans needed.  Our expedition leader Josh Jespersen and his 2IC Ricke Schuler, both former US Navy SEALS and professional mountaineers, have always done an absolutely superb job getting all personnel up to  the top of Gannett and back down safely.  Historically, upon completion of the climb and upon arrival back to Crowheart, when asked about their trip to the top of Gannett, to a man, each said "Life Changing!"  We thank those who participated in past years and we look forward to our next climb prior to Rocking the Winds 2021.  We are always looking for supporters and donors for our veterans causes, and if you are interested in either donating or participating, please contact Nate at (307) 486-2336.                                           

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